--查询班次范围内平均节拍 -- by Chen function get_avg_beat(sLineID, sStart, sEnd) local sStartDate = cutil:substr(sStart, 0, 10); local sEndDate = cutil:substr(sEnd, 0, 10); local sEqptID = m_itEqptOut:get(sLineID); local sVarName = 'cyc_time1'; if sLineID == '1214' or sLineID == '1215' or sLineID == '1216' then sVarName = 'cyc_time2'; end local help = CSelectHelp(); local itIn = CIntent(); local sql = [[SELECT count(1) as qty,sum(value) as value FROM dc_data where var_name='%s' and eqpt_id='%s' and pick_time>='%s' and pick_time <='%s']]; if sStartDate == sEndDate then--不跨天 itIn:set('date', sStartDate..' 00:00:00'); itIn:set('sql', string.format(sql, sVarName, sEqptID, sStart, sEnd)); local str = CTNString(); local ice = LuaICE(); ice:setServer('', '8801');--ice设置主服务IP和端口 ice:commandStr('plugin.dc_server.query_tech', itIn:toString(), str); help:fromString(str:get()); local iBeat = 0; if help:vf(0, 'qty') > 0 then iBeat = help:vf(0, 'value') / help:vf(0, 'qty'); end return iBeat; else --跨天 itIn:set('date', sStartDate..' 00:00:00'); itIn:set('sql', string.format(sql, sVarName, sEqptID, sStart, sStartDate..' 23:59:59')); local str = CTNString(); local ice = LuaICE(); ice:setServer('', '8801'); ice:commandStr('plugin.dc_server.query_tech', itIn:toString(), str); help:fromString(str:get()); local iBeat = 0; local iValue1 = help:vf(0, 'value'); local iQty1 = help:vf(0, 'qty'); itIn:set('date', sEndDate..' 00:00:00'); itIn:set('sql', string.format(sql, sVarName, sEqptID, sEndDate..' 00:00:00', sEnd)); local str = CTNString(); ice:commandStr('plugin.dc_server.query_tech', itIn:toString(), str); help:fromString(str:get()); local iValue2 = help:vf(0, 'value'); local iQty2 = help:vf(0, 'qty'); if iQty1 + iQty2 > 0 then iBeat = (iValue1 + iValue2) / (iQty1 + iQty2); end return iBeat; end end